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Monday, September 27, 2010

He Brings Me Bananas

I have a love/hate relationship with Saturday mornings.  I love sleeping in!  I typically sleep until 8 or 9 AM on a given Saturday.  However, since I only have one set of basal rates, Arnold still thinks I'm getting up at 5 AM for a normal workday.  Therefore, my morning basal that kicks in at 3 AM to help conquer the dawn phenomenon during the week leads to a low around 7 AM on a Saturday.  It's very inconvenient to sleeping in when you have a beeping little nuisance under your pillow. 

Trey does not like to sleep in.  He usually gets up several hours before me, makes coffee, and gets on the computer for an hour or two while I snooze.  I must admit, having a CGM has done wonders for our marriage and my diabetes.  I typically don't like to make diabetes a topic of conversation between us, but with Constance constantly beeping at me, she has made Trey more away of my diabetes and how varying my numbers can be.  Pre-CGM, Trey only ever saw the paralyzing lows with me, sweaty laying on the couch, clutching a bottle of juice, and only managing a few words of speak like, "Low . . . juice . . . bunny."  Bunnies have nothing to do with lows, but incoherent speak has been expected with my lows.  But now that Trey can "see" my diabetes in action as much as I can, he's taken to letting me know I need to do something. 

This past Saturday, Trey woke up to Constance beeping.  I didn't hear her, so he grabbed her from underneath my pillow where he saw "LOW.  Under 70 mg/dL." and the screen showed 67 mg/dL with a slight southeast arrow.  "Holly, you're low."  I mumbled something I don't remember, then Trey said, "Do you want a banana?"  "Mmmm hmmm."  "OK, I'll bring you a banana."  Before I knew it, a banana appeared on my side of the bed.  Trey standed over me long enough to make sure I ate it, then he went to the kitchen to make coffee and let me sleep in.  I was able to sleep in 2 more hours and woke up at 127 mg/dL. 

I love my husband.  He puts up with me and my diabetes, and he brings me bananas (as opposed to driving me bananas). 

Filled with love and 27 grams of fast-acting carbs.


  1. Aww my husband does this for me too! Sometimes I'll wake up with an empty Capri Sun packet next to me, with no memory of drinking it. Turns out the CGM was blaring with a 55 alert. I <3 loving hubbies! :)

  2. Awesome! I love this! I don't have a CGM (yet! Any day now they keep telling me!)but my boyfriend knows when he goes to snuggle in and I'm all sweaty and gross to wake me up to check my sugar. Depending on the number I'll grab a juice box or box of raisins from my nightstand. Other times I'll get up & make a peanut butter sandwich. And sometimes when I'm lucky he'll be gone to make it before I can even ask :)

  3. I'm sure he drives you bananas sometimes. ;)
    But having him around to bring you bananas is a nice thing. :)


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DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nurse, certified diabetes educator (CDE) or any medical professional of any kind. (But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!) Therefore, please do not use any of my postings as medical fact. I am simply a blogger expressing my highs and lows (pun intended) with diabetes. For changes in your medication, exercise regiment, or diet please consult a qualified physician.

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My name is Holly and I live in north Alabama with my hubby, two cats, and a dog.