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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Guest Post: Weird Low Symptoms

Today's guest post comes from my favorite diabetic across the pond (Atlantic Ocean), Becky.  Becky tweets and blogs over at Instructions Not Included, a perfect title for a dblog!  Today she talks about having weird low symptoms (aren't they all?!) and deciding when to test.  I must agree, when in doubt, TEST!  

A lot of us second guess ourselves. I think it's natural. The thing I've found, though, is that I tend to think twice over a lot of things now that I previously would have taken for granted.  A prime example is the weather. I've always been one for not gauging it properly, and then dressing completely inappropriately for the temperature (layers are your friend, by the way). However, waves of heat on my legs are actually one of my (more peculiar) hypo symptoms. As is shivering. So when I find myself feeling particularly hot or cold, there's always the question in my mind as to whether it's totally natural, or if it's a hypo-related thing. It gets annoying.

Earlier today, I was feeling really tired. Which is perfectly understandable, as I've been busy working  on a project, and I've had more than a few late nights recently. But of course, it was actually because I was hypo, and I'd slipped down to 3.3mmol/l (59mg/dl). Lovely.

There are days when I get more than a little frustrated at having to think things over. Is the train I'm going to be on likely to be delayed? If so, by how long? Do I need to put cereal bars or similar in my handbag? Am I feeling dizzy because I'm low, or did I just stand up too fast a moment ago, and now have a head-rush? Is the fact I'm really thirsty because I haven't had enough to drink, or it's too warm, or I've just eaten something salty, or am I high?

I could go on listing, but if you're reading this, you most likely know the score. Sometimes you have to stop yourself, and go 'hang on a minute, you're drinking a lot because you just ate that bacon (or something equally salty)', and you'll be right. The thing that is harder is when the answer isn't quite so clear cut. Then you've got to test and be sure. You could ignore it, but what if you're wrong? That's the worrying point. Sometimes it does pay to think twice.


  1. Be glad you actually got any symptoms, as hypo unawareness is even more challenging!

  2. We've just had a huge earthquake here (almost two weeks ago now), and are still experincing lots of aftershocks. I find I get confused with the smaller aftershocks and start thinking, am I swaying because I'm low or because of the earthquakes? It was especially bad during the first two days where we were having aftershocks at least every hour and you'd feel like you were swaying all the time and not able to stand upright properly, which is one of my major hypo symptoms.


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DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nurse, certified diabetes educator (CDE) or any medical professional of any kind. (But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!) Therefore, please do not use any of my postings as medical fact. I am simply a blogger expressing my highs and lows (pun intended) with diabetes. For changes in your medication, exercise regiment, or diet please consult a qualified physician.

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My name is Holly and I live in north Alabama with my hubby, two cats, and a dog.